I'm an software engineer based in Melbourne, Australia. I'm working on websites/apps at Nice Pak Products. Ocassionally, I also take on freelance projects to broaden my expertise and embrace new challenges.

In my free time, I immerse myself in hacking various projects, constantly expanding my skill set. I have passion for learning and stay updated with the latest developments in the field. Besides my technical pursuits, I enjoy reading manga and exploring topics related to self-help and business.

Outside of work, I like spending time learning cool things, reading new books/mangas, playing computer games or just hacking a my indie projects.

If you're interested what I'm up to right now, check my Now page.



Software Engineer at Nice Pak Products

Building and managing websites/apps for renowned baby, and healthcare brands in Australia.


Frontend Developer at Salarium

Design, develop and test user interface and user experience of applications.


Software Engineer Intern at AppVenture

Web design, web development, and cloud development.


System Admin at Fugelman Services Providers Inc.

IT Infrastracture(Server, database, and cloud) management & security.



Typeset in Output Sans and IBM Plex Mono. Built with Figma, Next.js, Contentlayer, and Framer Motion. Deployed on Vercel.